Would my diploma be recognized in France, If I studied abroad?
If you have a degree from abroad and would like to work in France, the recognition of your foreign diploma in France, depends on several factors, including the country and field of study.
➡️ European diplomas
Diplomas obtained in the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland are often recognised through bilateral agreements, although some regulated professions require additional steps.
➡️ Diplomas outside the European Union
For diplomas obtained outside the EU, an assessment by France Education International (FEI) may be required. The ENIC-NARIC centre can provide a certificate of comparability from your diploma in your country of origin to diplomas in France. For employers or institutions in France to recognise your qualification. This procedure is fee-paying and costs € 20 when the application is submitted and € 70 during the examination (the centre only evaluates one diploma per application).
➡️ Regulated professions
In sectors such as health, law or architecture, additional examinations or training may be required to practise in France, even with a recognised foreign diploma.
➡️ The accompaniment of ICI ADMIN
At ICI ADMIN, we help you prepare your file and navigate through these steps, thus facilitating your professional integration in France.🤝
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us: https://www.iciadmin.fr/en/contact-us/